Geekin' Weekery in Geekery 03-29-14

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0:00:00 Intro!
0:00:33 - All-New Ghost Rider #1!
0:02:35 - Silver Surfer #1 - Lyesmith continuously called Laura Allred "he" before remembering "his" name.
0:03:40 - Captain America: Homecoming #1
0:06:50 - Retinax-5 discusses catching up on Game of Thrones
0:11:00 - Long, awkward segway into Arrow news, that turns into inpromtu 'Birds of Prey' Arrow episode discussion. SPOILERS!
0:24:00 - 23 minutes later, the boys finally get to the Arrow news they were trying to segue into earlier. Huntress spin-off possible?
0:35:00 - TMNT Trailer discussion. Lyesmith and Retinax-5 become stereotypical nerds. "Bay's ruining my childhood! Wah!"
0:43:30 - Indiana Jones Reboot Discussion
0:55:00 - Re-casting Indiana Jones Discussion
1:05:45 - Lyesmith's issuely mention of Top Cow comics
1:08:00 - Finally, the depressing end


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