
Showing posts from March, 2012

Lyesmith Comic Review #4

Welcome to the 4th Comic Review! I've gone on comic over-load lately, so expect lots of updates over the next few days.       Legion of Super-Heroes I read these as a kid, and was a pretty big fan, back in the 90s. I kinda fizzled out the last few years, but I thought I'd give this reboot a try. I feel a -little- lost, because they retained a lot of the back-story from pre-52. I find that rather irritating; wasn't the point of the New 52 to make new jumping-on points for new readers? I shouldn't be lost a few pages into the book. But regardless, I pushed past it and kept reading, and I'm glad I did. I really enjoy this book and it kept my interest through to the current issue. Not going down in any Hall of Fame for awesome book ever, but definitely worth reading!         Legion Lost This book hit me some of the same way that the main Legion title did. I felt a little lost, and there was some back-story I wasn't clear on. But again, regardless, it's a g...

Lyesmith: Comic Review #3

Welcome to the third comic review! Today I'm going to try to focus a little more on Marvel, but then it's right back into DC! They've really had my attention lately with the New 52.   First of all, I've always been a Marvel guy. I grew up on X-Men and the various X-Titles and understood the Summers Family Tree before I could do multiplication. But this past few months, I've seen barely anything come out of Marvel that I've enjoyed, and that saddens me a great deal. That being said, I'm going to do a review of two series, both of which I love, but one of which I'm not currently liking. Ready? Too bad.           Journey Into Mystery Kieron Gillen is a literary god. Everything he's done with this series has had me giddy to read the next issue. I love his writing style, how he's made these characters REAL, and he's taking Loki in a direction no ever has before. He's ranking up there with Neil Giaman, Geoff Johns, R.A. Jones, Christopher Yost ...

Lyesmith: New 52 part 2

As promised, I, Lyesmith, am back to deliver more reviews of DC's New 52. I just KNOW everyone is waiting to buy comics until they've heard my opinion on them, so here it is! Today we'll be focusing on Green Lantern, Red Hood and the Outlaws, Green Lantern: New Guardians, and Suicide Squad. Green lantern - I want to start by saying I love Hal Jordan. Nathan Fillion's Hal Jordan, not Ryan Reynolds' Hal Jordan. He's my favorite GL, and as far as I'm concern, THE GL. But I do love me some Guy. Anyway, this new Green Lantern series is keeping Hal Jordan front and center. And that makes me a happy little geek. It helps that I love Sinestro. I haven't always, but I love what Geoff Johns did with him during The Sinestro Wars and the person he made Sinestro into. I get a big 'Magneto' vibe from Sinestro and that appeals to me. At the end of my last set of reviews I called this Green Lantern (sort of), because so far the premise of the story (no major spo...

First Blog! New 52; JLD, Shade, and I, Vampire.

Captain's Log, Stardate 3142012.1... Sorry, I've always wanted to say that. My first blog post seemed an appropriate place to live out that fantasy. Welcome to the first Geekin! Comic review. I'm Lyesmith, half of the dynamic duo (that's not copy written, is it?) that makes up Geekin! A blog/podcast/whatever else we decide to turn this monstrosity into, that covers everything that we're currently "geeking" over. Comics, movies, tv, and anything else that catches our fancy - you'll find our opinions and fan-boy squeals right here. Let's get this shindig goin', shall we? For the first one, I'm going to keep it light and easy. I'll be jazzin' it up a bit as we go along. I've spent today catching up on three of the New 52 titles from DC.   I, Vampire - This is an amazing comic. The art, the plot, the dialogue... I'm loving this book. It's a lot of fun, and again, feels a little disconnected from the rest of the DCU. It's...