Arrow Discussion Season 1/Part1

0.00     Intro
0.38     Retinax 5’s Introduction to the Green Arrow Character
4.51     Lyesmith’s Introduction to the Green Arrow Character
5.55     Green Arrow in DC’s New 52 Comic Book Line
13.54   Lyesmith and Retinax 5 share their favorite Green Arrow Comic Books.
            Also Discussed: More New 52 Green Arrow talk.
24.20   Lyesmith and Retinax 5 Discuss Watching Arrow
            Also Discussed: Lyesmith has watched from Episode 1 but Retinax 5 only recently began
watching. Unlike Agents of S.H.I.E.LD, Arrow embraces the larger Comic Book
32.37   Oliver Queen’s Body Count
            Also Discussed: Oliver Queen’s psyche. Should Super-heroes kill Super-villains? The
List. The Boxing Glove Arrow.
41.30   The “Lost” Island
            Also Discussed: Retinax 5 loves Slade/Deathstroke. Lyesmith and Retinax 5 are confused
by the Slade/Shado relationship.
48.52   Thea Queen
            Also Discussed: Has the introduction of Felicity hurt Thea’s character development?
56.52   Diggle
            Also Discussed: Deadshot. Diggle’s creepy love life
59.16   Roy Harper
            Also Discussed: Lyesmith is a longtime fan of the actor
1.05.54 Quentin Lance
            Also Discussed: Is Lance the worst detective ever?
1.09.31 Laurel Lance
            Also Discussed: Why is the Laurel character so poorly written?
1.18.17 Tommy Merlyn
            Also Discussed: Did the introduction of Malcolm kill the story possibilities for Tommy?
1.25.16 Malcolm Merlyn
            Also Discussed: The League of Assassins. Was it a good idea to bring Malcolm back?
1.32.05 Isabel Rochev
            Also Discussed: Talia Al Ghul?
1.36.02 Other Season 1 Characters
            Also Discussed: Retinax 5 wants The Huntress to return. Count Vertigo.
1.39.05 Can Arrow Play with Characters Established in the Chris Nolan Films?
1.41.38 The Summer Glau Curse

1.45.21 End Notes

Check back for Part2/Season2 Discussion!


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