Tales of Honor - Honorverse
Honor Harrington is the heroine of the eponymous "Honorverse", a universe described in a series of best-selling military science fiction books, written by David Weber.
If you haven't heard about Honor Harrington, The Honorverse, or Tales of Honor, don't feel bad. I hadn't either at first, and still likely wouldn't know of it's existence if it weren't for my rabid obsession love for everything that has anything to do with Top Cow comics. But brace yourself, because you're about to hear a lot more about it, and not just because you clicked on a link for a blog post about it.
Evergreen Studios is launching into a multi-media barrage for Tales of Honor. Evergreen has Top Cow's Matt Hawkins writing the comic book adaptation, the art's by Jung-Geun Yoon and Linda Sejic. This is my first viewing of Yoon's work, but Sejic is always a good name to see on a comic! It was very interesting to hear Matt's podcast over at @DTCPodcast about how he went about adapting this for comic book form. It's a quick podcast but a great listen, so go show them some love. The comic itself is beautiful and I think Evergreen Studios is brilliant for bringing Mr. Hawkins in on this. It's just a perfect pairing. HIGHLY recommended.
They've also have an app game! Taken from the Evergreen Studios website (as of 05/1/14 the app has launched) -
"A "free to play" mobile game app is set to launch in Spring 2014 on both the iOS and Android platforms.
This starship combat game allows the player to battle their way through the Honorverse, unveiling new
ships, new worlds, and ever evolving new experiences."
I've been playing this beauty this afternoon, and I'm thoroughly impressed. It's straight forward and guides you through the things that are unique to the game and may cause a little confusion, so there is none. The graphics are gorgeous and the ship-to-ship fights are fun as hell! Sure, the core of the game is a lot like many others, but if you enjoy these games then you'll LOVE this app! The story is engaging and I only set the game down to come write this post.
There's also a movie! From Evergreen Studios' website -
"The feature film, based on the second book in the series, The Honor of the Queen, is currently in development."
A quick search on IMDB brought no results, other than a place holder for "Honor Harrington" and just claimed it was in development. But watch our Facebook page and Twitter for more updates on Tales of Honor and all it's various adaptations! I'm on this weird Sci-Fi and Western kick lately, eating up every Old West movie and Sci-Fi flick I can get my hands on, so I'm really excited about this movie and will be watching the castings like a hawk.
Of course, visit their gorgeous website at
to keep up on all the latest news and fun stuff, they've got concept art, videos with Matt Hawkins, and all kinds of goodies. Check it oooouuuut.
And, of course, visit Top Cow (Moooo) at
to get the Tales of Honor books and all of their awesome variant covers, one of which was done by Think Tank's artist Rahsan Ekedal , (also written by Matt Hawkins ) which if you're not reading yet, I'm just considering you a lost cause at this point. Go. Get. These. Books.
Last, but certainly not least! Check out the creator of Honor Harrington's website over at
Until next time, kids!
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