REVIEW: Spoilers: Cyberforce #5


Creator/Writer/Art Director/Character Designer: Marc Silvestri
Pencilers and Inks: Khoi Pham/Laura Braga/Sal Regla
Colorists: Arif Prianto/Andy Troy

I want to start off by talking about that cover. (Pictured above) I've loved Marc Silvestri since I was a kid and he was doing old X-Men books, then again as a teenager through his original Darkness run, and now as adult, he never ceases to please. He's wearing a lot of different hats on this issue, but it pays off. Gorgeous cover art, and a great book all the way around.

I also want to note that TopCow being the amazing comic book company they are, have put Cyberforce on their website - for free. That's right, you can get Cyberforce issues 1-5 ab-so-lute-ly free right here at: I highly recommend you picking these up.

This book has everything that I think Marvel and DC are lacking. Lots of action, lots of story, great dialogue between characters, this book is what I mean when I say I want a book MEATY. There's lots of action AND great character development. Most Marvel and DC stuff has either or, lately. The artwork works so well with the style, the characters are vibrant and larger-than-life, and you're found eager to get to the next page. Some of the pages get a bit wordy, lots of information being thrown around at you, but in the end, it's worth it.

This issue has a great fight scene as Stryker, Ripclaw and Area fight their way in to a building to stop the Chairman's dastardly plot. It's got some great bickering between the characters and was a lot of fun to watch.
Once they get to the Chairman, there's this great back and forth over his plan, where it all backfires and proves that everything would better if the Chairman would die, but even better if the Chairman's WIFE died. It was just a great little twist that had me grinning the entire time. If you haven't been reading this series, you really should pick it up. I've loved these characters for years and they're still relevant and original today as they were a decade ago.

Thanks for reading, and be sure to check out our Facebook fanpage for news, artwork, and assorted Geekery!


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