SPOILERS: Review: Batman #23 and JLD #23 - Villains Month! - Lyesmith


Happy Mid-Week-Mini-Christmas Geeks! It's that time again! Comic Book Wednesday! Today I'll do a couple of each DC and Marvel. This is pretty exciting for me, as it's VILLAINS MONTH! A month where the titles stop their regularly scheduled programing to give you an issue focused on a villain related to the title. Is it a gimmick? Hell yes. And I love a good gimmick! First up we've got Justice League Dark #23.1 - The Creeper! I'm super-excited about this one because The Creeper has always been one of my favorite DC characters and I really don't think he gets enough page-time. He's a great character that I think deserves more love and attention.

The origins of the Pre-52 Creeper were originally linked to the Joker and his serum; though that was later retconned. And now they're styling him after a Oni Demon was Japanese myth. This is an origin story set up for The Creeper and if things go they way I hope they do we'll be seeing a lot more of our eerie friend. I won't spoil too much for you, but I will say, there's not a single sight of a hero in this book. If you've been looking forward to the Creeper as much as I have, this is a MUST pick up.


Our second Villain Month issue from DC's New 52 is Batman 23.1 - The JOKER! This was an odd one for me. It's a stand-alone Joker story, no sign of the Bats or his relations. We get to see small bits of the Joker's childhood, but how can any story of the Joker's past be trusted at this point? Feeling nostalgic, Joker kidnaps a baby gorilla from the zoo and raises him. The story says it takes place years ago. If you like the Joker, pick this up. Otherwise, it's probably skippable. There's no big revelations, no impact on the outside story, just a crazy Joker comic. So, fun! But in the grand scheme of things, unimportant.

Keep watching for our Marvel reviews, Infinity #2 and X-Men Battle of the Atom #1. As always, check us out at for more news, pictures, freebies (two freebies already posted in the news section!) and assorted geekery!


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