SPOILERS: Review: X-Men BotA #1 & Infinity #2 - Lyesmith


Just like with the DC reviews earlier, this week I'll be reviewing two Marvel comics. These focus one the two big events going on in Marvel right now; X-Men: Battle of the Atom #1 and Infinity #2.

I love nothing but good things to say about Battle of the Atom. It had some moments that made me grin and made me realize how much I'm ready for all this crap to be over with and for the family to patch things up again. Kitty takes the original X-Kiddos out on a routine new-mutant sighting. Things don't go exactly as planned and Scott and his X-Men show up just in time to back up Kitty's group.

I loved it. Kitty and Scott don't picker. They don't make snotty comments. They just get shit under control. It was actually pretty heart warming. As a converted Cyclops fan, this issue made my heart stop for a moment. But over all sets us up for a pretty cool little event. Though it does leave me wondering how the hell they're going to explain it. Seems ALL the X-Men are doing a lot of time-jumping and that's what's caused this issue that we're seeing elsewhere. I'm starting to think that the X-Men need some kind of Time Traveling Anonymous group or something. 12 step program.

But definitely pick up this book. Looks like it's going to be better than AvX.

Infinity 002-015

Infinity. Infinity infinity infinity. What can I say about Infinity? It's epic. It's huge-scale stuff. But with all the cosmic-ness, I feel like we're missing out on the cosmic-heroes a little bit. You've got Thanos. Where's the Guardians of the Galaxy? Where's Silver Surfer? Where's Beta Ray Bill? Where's Nova? Space is their territory and now all these Earth-based heroes are pissing all over it!

Okay, that's my rant. I like the way Infinity is structured. It keeps you on your toes and doesn't bog a lot of things down. I also like how they're bringing everyone into the same book, instead of forcing you to read a bunch of different titles - at least right this moment. I'm sure there will be tie-ins, but as of this week, the main story is in Infinity; and that's nice. The guy featured in this page I've shared, Corvus Glaive, is just a great villain. Nasty. Sarcastic. Completely unafraid, even standing in front of a hard-ass like Black Bolt. Just insanely cool. In Infinity keeps along these lines (and they bring in the Guardians to show the Avengers how you're /supposed/ to kick ass in space) then I'll be happy camper. Definitely a must-pickup for me.

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