SPOILERS: Review: Injustice Annual #1/Constantine #8

Hey, Geek and Geekettes! It's time for the DC side of Mid-Week Mini-Christmas, also known as Comic Book Wednesday! Let's dive into those reviews!

Constantine 008 (2014) (Digital) (Darkness-Empire) 003
Constantine #8
Writer: Ray Fawkes
Artist: ACO

This ending of this book irritated by crap out of me. But we'll get to that.
I love the storyline they've got going for Constantine, and I wish they'd leave it kind of separate, on the side, not really tie in the direct story to anything else.
The artwork isn't my favorite this issue, but I think it fits with the story, so it works.
The story picks up where the last one left off, which is the way I like it. Constantine fighting with Mr. E while Sargon looks on, unable to stop Mr. E, but neither is she willing to help Constantine - at least not directly. She leaves a sword called the Moonblade where Constantine can get to it, giving him the edge he needs to defeat Mr. E. Drained (and I bet, unable to see a way out out of his current situation without a confrontation, and also seeing an opening) John takes Sargon's offer to join the Order of the Cold Flame.

While a great set up for the next issue, instead they leave you with John finding out about the events in Trinity War and a message saying "To be continued (retroactively) in Trinity War!"... sigh.

So while I love this series, this issue was lucklaster.

I give it...
2 out of 5 Magical TrenchCoats

Injustice- Gods Among Us (2013-) - Annual 001-001

Injustice Annual #1
Writer: Tom Taylor
Artist: Xermanico, Mike S. Miller, and Bruno Redondo

I'm not really sure when the trend of one artist doing so many pages, and another artist doing other pages, and then the first artist doing a page, then a third artist coming in and...
it's irritating. And sometimes can seriously distract from the story.
But, fortunately, the writer on this did a fantastic job, all the artists are GOOD artists, and it didn't take me out of the story. In fact, I loved the art, I just wish any one of these fine gentleman had got to stick with it through the whole issue. All of them were great with the facial expressions.
Lead character this time is Lobo - THE MAIN MAN!
Based on the video game, Injustice: Gods Among Us, this focuses on Lobo, the DLC character for the game. This is true, classic Lobo, filled with slightly modified curse words and an ego to match his hulking frame. Complete with awesome spake-motorcycle.
This issue is no way of any real significance to anything; I don't even see how it really ties into the over all story of Injustice, I think it's just an excuse for gratuitous use of Lobo. Which is fine by me! If you're a classic Lobo fan, be sure to pick this one up. Lobo comes to Earth, headhunting Superman by order of "someone from Apokolips". Superman flies him to the sun and back and lets him know that even though Lobo can regenerate from a single drop of blood, there's likely not to be any blood left if he's tossed into the center of the sun...
With that in mind, Lobo decides to let Supes off the hook. Superman has another idea. He hires Lobo to find Harley Quinn. Lobo's asking price? One of Lex's pills from the Injustice game that puts normal humans on par with the Supers.
Lobo captures Harley pretty quickly, but Harley snags his pill, which puts a damper on the Main Man's plan. She also steals his bike, crashes into The Arrow Cave, and asks Green Arrow and Black Canary for help in what turns out to be the BEST TEAM-UP EVER.
Subduing the Main Man long enough to put her psychiatric whammy on him, he decides what he really wants to do is go over a target worthy of the Main Man. A target worth fraggin'! So he busts loose and heads back to his original employer... Darkseid.

And this book also gave us one of the best lines from any selection this Wednesday...

"No one should have to justify the greatness of a mustache."

I give this book...

4 out of 5 Keezy Fems

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